Putta Hejje



Putta Hejje

Childhood is a time of tremendous growth and learning.

Babies and toddlers learn new skills such as Rolling over, Taking their first step, and Speaking their first word.

From birth to 3 years, your child should reach milestones in how she/he plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves.

If you notice your child is continually behind in gaining the skills expected by a certain age, it is possible that your he/she may have a developmental delay or a disability.

These conditions are more common in children who are

  • born premature,
  • do not cry immediately after birth,
  • have a very low birth weight,
  • have an illness or surgery soon after being born,
  • prolonged stay at NICU, or
  • born with neurodevelopmental syndromes (such as Cerebral Palsy or Down's Syndrome)

•   In such a scenario, what can you do as parents?

Don't wait for your child to 'catch up on his own'. Act early.

Talk to your pediatrician first. He might refer you to a Neurologist and/or an Orthopedic to diagnose your child's condition.

Once the diagnosis is made, the parents are referred for an Early Intervention Program.

•  What is an Early Intervention Program?

It is a system of services that helps babies and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities to learn the basic skills that develop during the first three years of life.

Early Intervention is provided by a team of doctors and therapists working along with the parentsto support the child's development.

•  Why intervene EARLY?

  • Child's brain is most capable of change and learningnew skills during the first three years of life.
  • A child with developmental delay can progress better by starting therapies early on.
  • It prevents frustration – common in children with communication difficulties – from turning into difficult behaviors.
  • Families can get trained to better meet their children's special needs from an early age.

Act early, Help your child, help your family!

Parents play a key role in this program along with other professionals.

Putta Hejje, a unique centerfor early intervention services in the city of Mysore, provides the following services:

  • Physiotherapyand Occupational Therapy

    To help build muscle strength and improve motor development.

    To help develop hand function and skills required for daily living.

    Focuses on reaching, rolling, crawling, and walking; andeating, dressing and indicating toilet needs.

    Also prescribes:

    • Special seating and postural systems
    • Aids and appliances to facilitate movement.

  • Speech and LanguageTherapy

    To improve a child's ability to communicate.

    Focuses on speaking, listening, understanding.

  • Special Education

    To shape a child's thinking, learning skills and social interactions.

    Focuses on enhancing attention, sitting tolerance, pre-academic skills and preparing child for school educational set up.

  • Visual Stimulation

    To enable the child to tap into their residual vision.

    Focuses on enhancing visual attention and visual perceptual learning.

  • Parent Counseling

    The therapy services at Putta Hejje are family-centered, where a meaningfulemotional and psychological support is provided for the parents of children with disabilities.

The success of this program depends more on the family's involvement.